Alysson GuimarãesCompetitive Intelligence With Topic ModellingIn this article I describe what Competitive Intelligence is and its sub-areas, Business and Market. Focusing on Market, I implement…Feb 20Feb 20
Alysson GuimarãesTopic Modelling TechniquesTopic modeling is a natural language processing technique that allows you to identify topics present in a set of documents. It works by…Feb 20Feb 20
Alysson GuimarãesConceitos de NLPIn this post we will talk about some concepts and methods of this discipline, NLPFeb 141Feb 141
Alysson GuimarãesIntroduction to NLPNatural Language Processing (NLP) is a discipline that combines linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence, and studies…Feb 14Feb 14
Alysson GuimarãesTree-Based Supervised Learning MethodsIn this article, we will discuss some tree-based methods, what ensemble is, bagging, random forest, boosting, and BART.Feb 14Feb 14
Alysson GuimarãesRegression Smoothing Methods(This is a translated version from Brazilian Portuguese of the article, the original is available here)Feb 12Feb 12
Alysson GuimarãesPrinciples of Linear RegressionIn this article, we address the importance of linear regression, the concept behind it, and its assumptions.Feb 12Feb 12